What Causes your Windscreen to Fog Up?


It is common for your windscreen to get hazy on the outside when the temperature drops. It is often caused due to the change in weather and soon wears off. However, mist within your car could indicate something has gone wrong, especially if it occurs too frequently.

Here are a Few Issues that could Lead to Your Windscreen Fogging up rom the inside:

Incorrect Heater Settings: Condensation occurs if the temperature outside your car is cooler than the temperature inside your car. Therefore, to get rid of the mist, you can adjust the heat settings or use your car's defog option.

Air Conditioning Issues: Faulty air conditioning is also one reason for causing mist in the interiors of your car. It occurs if you're air conditioning is circulating the moisture or cool air rather than removing it from the car. Leaking evaporator, failed compressor, plugged drier/receiver, blown fuse, and low refrigerant charge are some problems that result in faulty air conditioning.

Leaking Heater Core: If a faulty system or corrosion has caused your heater core to leak, then it could be that the mist on your glass is actually engine coolant. If this is the actual reason, your car will indicate that it is low on coolant or you might even find a puddle of coolant near the side floor of the passenger seat. Keep in mind that if the mist really is coolant on your window, then it would be challenging to remove quickly.

Water Inside the Car: Another reason for foggy windows is excess water inside your car. Now, whether there is excess water due to steam cleaning your vehicle's carpets or seats, the result will still be foggy windows, you would just have to wait until it stops on its own.

How do You Get rid of a Foggy Windscreen?

Before you do anything, adjust your heat settings to defog. If that still doesn't help, you can try opening your windows for a bit just until the fog clears out.

However, if you notice that your windscreen fogs up to often and too soon, it would be best if you get your car and windscreen thoroughly inspected by a professional expert as there may be another underlying problem that is causing your windscreen to fog up.

In a nutshell, a foggy windscreen may seem like no big deal. However, a foggy windscreen obstructs clear vision while driving which is vital for driving safely on the road. Due to a foggy windscreen, you could get into an accident if you are unable to clearly see oncoming vehicles or even pedestrians.

Therefore, to ensure that you are able to drive safely on the road and see clearly while driving, it is essential that your vision isn't obstructed by a foggy window.

About the Author: Darren Pay and Justin Oakes are co-owners of A1 Windscreens, located in Australia. They are recognised for their quick and efficient windscreen repair and replacement near Melbourne.

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