Repair Minor Scratches on your Car's Glass with this Easy 7-Step Process


Noticed a few scratches on your car's window glass? If they are minor the scratches can be fixed in your garage/home itself with a few simple products. Bear in mind these repair steps can only be used on minor scratches.

If you have a chip or crack, you will need to have it repaired by a licensed professional. The same applies to deep scratches, as they will require a more thorough set of products than the below mentioned.

Step 1- How Deep is the Scratch?

This is probably the most important step as it'll determine whether you go through with this technique or not. If the scratch on your glass doesn't pass this test you have to resort to professional service.

To identify the depth of the scratch, use your fingernail to run over the surface. If you can glide over it smoothly, you can proceed. However, if your fingernail appears to get caught you need a professional's help.

Step 2 - What You'll Need:

Below is everything you'll need right from the product itself to the add-ons to execute the process. There are three options for glass scratch repair:

  • Clear acrylic nail polish - only recommended for the superficial scratches
  • Cerium oxide - the best solution for minor scratches
  • Baking soda + white toothpaste - this method requires multiple applications for effectiveness

Step 3 - Clean the Damaged Area:

Never begin repairing anything without cleaning the surface first. This critical step ensures that whatever you're applying sticks on the surface effectively and also prevents any grime, debris, and dirt from getting sealed into the process. You can use a glass cleaner and soft cloth to thoroughly clean the area where the scratch(s) is/are.

Step 4- Mark out the Area You Want to Work on:

After you have cleaned the area, it is important to differentiate the area you will be working on. You can do this by using masking tape or a dry-erase marker on the side that isn't damaged. This will ensure you can easily spot the scratches and apply the bonding agent efficiently.

Step 5- Get the Repair Product Ready:

If using an acrylic product, you can fast-forward to the next step. In case you happen to be using cerium oxide, mix the oxide powder with a little water to get a slurry consistency type mixture. Keep water to hand in case the mixture starts to dry up and you need to add more.

If you are using baking soda and white toothpaste, use it in the proportion of 1 teaspoon baking soda to about a quarter portion of the toothpaste tube. Mix both ingredients till you get a slurry and until the baking soda is completely blended into the mixture.

Step 6- Application of the Repair Product:

If you are using a specific over-the-counter product, follow the instructions as is. If you are using any of the above-mentioned solutions, follow the coinciding step below:

  • Acrylic scratch remover: Fill the solution into the damaged area, wipe off any excess solution. Once it has dried up, buff the area with minimal pressure for a few seconds and you're good to go.
  • Cerium oxide: Put some of the solution on a cloth and use the cloth to neatly apply on the scratched area as getting the mixture on other parts of the glass might create scratches. Follow the rule of apply-buff-apply-buff until the repaired area looks smooth and clear. You can use a drill and rubber polishing wheel to make the buffing easier.
  • Baking soda and white toothpaste: Follow the same process as the cerium oxide, however, remember this method takes several applications before it gives you the desired result.

Step 7- Polish the Glass:

Once you have finished repairing the scratched area, wipe the rest of the glass clean so you can take off any fingerprint smudges, water, or maybe even excess mixture. After this 7th step, you should be looking at a scratch-free spotless shiny windscreen glass or window glass.

If product residue, dirt, or anything else appears to be on the glass carefully examine it and how sturdily it may be stuck on before you try to remove it. Avoid applying extra pressure if you are attempting to wipe it off.

Also do remember to not use the vehicle for at least an hour so that you can be sure of the results of your DIY technique.

This 7-step process for scratched glass repair is easy and sufficient by itself for minor damage. Remember to execute them with caution to not jeopardize the glass's structural integrity because after all, this is a DIY technique.

If you are not too confident about this experiment it would be best to have the scratch checked by a licensed professional and maybe even seek out their advice before you execute the above steps.

About the Author: Darren Pay and Justin Oakes are co-owners of A1 Windscreens. A1 Windscreens is known for its car glass replacement services and also for car window film in Melbourne.

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